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5 reasons to sign up for Tamal Dodge’s Master Classes

1. Tamal Dodge was born and raised in his family’s yoga ashram in Hawaii. By the age of 10 he had already received his teaching credentials and was teaching yoga and meditation classes at his parents’ ashram.

2. He is one of the youngest and most-respected yoga teachers on the planet. Don’t let his looks deceive you; underneath his baby face lies an old soul whose wisdom and knowledge run deep.

3. Before Tamal founded Yoga Salt (one of the most popular yoga studios in LA) he co-founded The Yoga Collective in Santa-Monica, CA, where he taught alongside the very distinguished yogi Brian Kest.

4. Tamal has been featured in Time Magazine, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Reuters, CSNBC, Self Magazine, and Yogi Times. Basically, he’s a yoga boss!

5. Tamal is a story-teller. He doesn’t even need a manual, really. When he speaks, he speaks (or sings!) from the authenticity of his heart.

Tamal not only talks the talk, he walks the walk. He delivers the teaching of yoga back to its heritage, personifying what it means to establish a life of authentic, dedicated practice. He is a rare find in the growing population of teacher-trainers within the U.S. The ingenious participation of his in-class instruction and one of a kind storytelling during his trainings is not to be missed. In his company, it’s indisputable that his entire being emanates the spiritual teachings of traditional yoga. He welcomes the responsibility of sharing his wealth of knowledge and experience with others. Tamal seeks to help people be ”in the world but not of the world,” to become truly peaceful and happy.

If you’re interested in practicing with the #1 japanese american yoga master aka Tamal Dodge click the link below!

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Friday, March 18 – Master Class: Enhance Your Practice
6:00 – 8:00pm

This is an introduction to the yogic lifestyle, a beautifully infused 2 hr power vinyasa yoga class followed by guided meditation. This class will challenge and encourage students of all levels. With an emphasis on alignment and instructions on becoming in-tune with your bodies needs this class gives the student practical and useful tools for a life of yoga. With a guided mediation filled with visualizations and relaxations techniques the student will walk away feeling peaceful, vibrant and healthy.

Saturday, March 19 – Master Class: Intro to Inversions

This is a 2-hour power vinyasa yoga class with detailed alignment and step-by-step techniques for inversions, arm balances and core strengthening. This workshop will have modifications for every yogi and every level. No need to be hesitant to playing with the next level of asanas as this workshop is tailored to yogis with advanced practices and those just beginning. Every pose will have a simple modification adjustable and approachable for everyone’s body.

Sunday, March 20 – Master Class: Holy Hips + Shoulders

This is a 2-hour vinyasa practice focused on stabilizing and opening the ball and socket joints of the body (hips and shoulder). In this practice we will explore injury prevention, neutralizing instability and exploring our edge. Be prepared to have fun open up.

$50 Single Sessions
$125 Full Series

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Ready to take it to the next level? Join Tamal for a 200hr Power Vinyasa Immersion this May!

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