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5 Yoga Apparel Fashions

Yoga apparel has been popular for years. One of the main reasons this apparel has gained popularity is because it’s comfortable and made from materials that can breathe. When one wants to be fashionable, there are a few different pieces of clothing that are worth checking out!

Look for apparel that looks great in and out of the yoga studio, that way the purchase is doubly cost-effective. Furthermore, once outfitted with the top fashions, one will want to step into a yoga studio and start working on new positions. Feeling fabulous in one’s outfit is motivation!

Yoga Leggings
There are all sorts of positions that one finds themselves in while practicing yoga. Loose clothing can get in the way of certain positions, like Warrior and Cow poses, so it’s best to opt for leggings. The current fashion trend is hand-painted leggings in an array of colors.

Chakra Tunic
Some yoga types focus more on breathing and less on poses. A Chakra tunic is light and free flowing, allowing for deep breaths without clothing restriction.

Racerback Shelf Bra
The racerback shelf bra is back this season. When one is settled in a low lunge, where the chest is parallel to the floor or is in a rag doll pose, where the body is folded in half, support is mandatory. This type of apparel allows for support without bulkiness. Regardless of what else is worn this season, the ladies know this is an important piece of apparel.

Long Sleeve Yoga Tee
The temperatures inside and outside don’t always agree. To be comfortable when practicing yoga inside or out, choose a long sleeve yoga tee. Many of the current designs have clever yoga sayings on them or are a tie-dye print.

Yoga Hoodie
Whether it’s cool outside or not, take advantage of the yoga hoodie in and out of the yoga studio. If one wanted to practice Bikram yoga and there is no sauna, pile on more clothes and sweat on one’s own. Furthermore, if one loves minimal clothing for yoga, but doesn’t want to leave the house that way, a hoodie is the answer.

Plenty of designs are available and waiting for one to stock up on for yoga classes. When buying yoga apparel, it’s important to pay attention to the kind of yoga that will be practiced. A general rule to follow: if the yoga is any kind of physically-demanding form, keep clothes formfitting so they won’t get in the way of proper alignment. If the yoga is a more breathing-centric form of yoga, take the opposite approach.

Go forth, shop and yoga it up!

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