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Ayurveda and Tantra Basics with Katie Silcox – August 2017


Three Vital Forces: Awakening to Prana, Tejas and Ojas in Yoga and Life

What you will gain:

  • a basic understanding of your physical body type
  • invigorating asana that will be tailored to different energetic experiences
  • better digestion on the mental and emotional realm
  • a deep understanding of the “gunas” or mental/emotional types
  • a movement towards spiritual freedom based on time-tested Tantric meditation technology

Three Vital Forces: Awakening to Prana, Tejas and Ojas in Yoga and Life
In this workshop you will learn the principles and practices of Ayurveda and Tantra- an ancient holistic healthcare system designed to prevent imbalances in both mind and body. This workshop is also crucial for yoga teachers wishing to take their practice and teaching to the next level. You will leave with a deeper understanding of the “sister science” to yoga – Ayurveda.

We have all heard of prana, but what about the two other vital forces – tejas and ojas? Without a clear connection to all three, our practices lack the power needed to reach the biggest goal of all – connection to ourlife purpose and the force of Spirit (awakened Kundalini). This workshop will offer discussion and practice on how we can build all of three vital forces of yoga in a practical way. We will learn how to build ojas, the inner sap that comes from immune health, proper nutrition and lifestyle practices that bring contentment and juiciness. Within this firm foundation of containment, we move to prana-based practices that increase energy and vitality. Proper techniques can lead to a deeper experience of yoga – a shining, both internally and externally, known as tejas. This is the foundation for the final and most powerful stage of practice – inner fire – the force of Spirit. Activation of the subtle force of fire leads to extraordinary perception and living. Practice focuses on generating the energy that dissolves inertia in order to access the dormant channel within the spine.

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About Katie Silcox

screen-shot-2016-11-25-at-7-45-29-amKatie Silcox is the New York Times Best-Selling author of the book, Healthy, Happy, Sexy – Ayurveda Wisdom for Modern Women. She is also an internationally-recognized yoga teacher, Ayurvedic practitioner, writer and inspirer of hearts and minds. She is renowned for her depth of study, her ability to present the complexities of yoga’s ancient wisdom in a practical, life-affirming manner, as well as her unique capacity to distill the teachings of yoga with southern-belle humor and grace. Her signature teaching style blends classical yoga, vinyasa-based asana and life-changing Tantric/Ayurvedic philosophy.

Katie was named one of San Francisco’s Best Yoga Teachers by Common Ground Magazine in 2009, one of “70 Yogis Changing the World” by Origin Magazine in 2014, and one of “100 Trailblazers in Yoga and Ayurveda” by Spirituality and Health Magazine in 2015. Katie has written extensively on the topics of yoga, Ayurveda, sexuality, herbalism and women’s health in such publications as Yoga Journal, Common Ground Magazine and Origin Magazine. Her best-selling book has been translated into multiple languages around the globe.

She studied with Krishnamacharya’s living legacies, A.G. and Indra Mohan in Chennai India, and later went on to work with Yogarupa Rod Stryker, within the Sri-Vidya ParaYoga lineage for ten years. She also apprenticed with Ayurveda expert and author, Dr. Claudia Welch.

Date & Time

Friday, August 25
6:00pm – 8:00pm

Saturday, August 26
11:30am – 5:30pm

August 27
11:30am – 5:30pm

Full Weekend Cost

$285 after July 25
$260 before July 25

MycAA Approved

If you are a military spouse, you may qualify for the MyCAA program. The MyCAA program is a career development and employment assistance program offered by the military for military personnel and their spouses. MyCAA provides a maximum educational benefit of $4,000.

MyCAA approved.

Session 1 The Ayurvedic World View (Friday Evening Session) 6-8

Basic Ayurveda and Tantra Philosophy (includes short asana and meditation as well as lecture). This event will help you better embody the radiance and vitality of fulfilling our unique purpose in the world. This immersion is ideal for anyone who wants to refine their diet & lifestyle practices in order to better thrive! This workshop is also crucial for yoga teachers wishing to take their practice and teaching to the next level. You will leave with a deeper understanding of the “sister sciences” to yoga – Ayurveda and Tantra.

Saturday 11:30-1:30
Ayurvedic Psychology and Tantric Subtle Anatomy
The Gunas

Tejas––The Subtle Force of Inner Radiance
This session will work with yogic techniques that hold the capacity to boost our inner fire – bringing about a radiance in our personality and a quality of “realness” that melts all hearts. As we build this fire-force (tajas), the higher potential of perception is activated, along with the power to attract the conditions most suitable to success and growth. Specific postures and sequencing awaken this force that leads to illumination and transformation. Includes lecture, asana and meditation.

Saturday 2:30-5:30

Practical Ayurveda – Understand Your Unique Mind/Body Type and Nurture it!
Learn the basics of Ayurvedic constitution theory of mind and body types. Includes practice, lecture and interactive workshop.

Sunday AM Session 11:30-1:30
Prana––The Intelligent Life Force (Saturday Session)
This session helps us embody the yogic techniques that build and balance the deep intelligent force that governs expansion of mind, body, and psyche. Prana, as activated through the appropriate asanas and pranayamas, frees us from the pain of limitation and restriction, brings lightness to the body and boundless awareness. Prana has the capacity to dissolve and resolve heart-break and stuckness. Includes lecture, asana and meditation.

Sunday 2:30-5:30
The Doshas Continued
This class will be dedicated to understand the yin and yang aspects of who we are. Includes an overview of the Ayurvedic understanding of hormones, rest, relaxation and health. Come prepared to learn with the mind, and relax in the body. Includes a luxurious yoga nidra practice and mediation.

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Need a place to stay?
Check out our list of local home-stays and accommodations

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300HrYogaImg.fwCEUs & Yoga Certification Info

  • 15 CEU Hours toward 300 YA or CEUs
  • $15 Additional CEU certificate due at time of registration
  • Participation in full workshop required to receive 500YA credit.
  • This certification counts as one required module/counts as elective hours towards 300Hr registry in the Wilmington Yoga Center program

Cancellation Policy

10 days prior to the workshop cancellation is permitted for account credit only minus a $25 administrative fee. 10 days and closer to the start date of the workshop the total tuition is non-refundable and non-transferable.

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