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Category: Lifestyle

4 Tips for Practicing Mindfulness

“Mindfulness.” It’s a term that’s thrown around the yoga studio pretty frequently, and with good reason — all styles of yoga challenge us to be fully aware and in tune with our bodies and thoughts. We have written before about mindfulness and how it can offer a wide range of health benefits including stress reduction, […]

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Yoga After an Injury: Is it Safe?

Yoga is an excellent modality for injury prevention and recovery. Yoga improves the range of motion in joints while elongating the muscles. Most instances of chronic pain or injury stem from compressed or tightened muscles and joints, bearing too much of a load on the body creating overexertion, repetitive motions and chronic improper posture, which […]

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How Posture Leads to Imbalance

Posture is the way we hold ourselves when we sit and stand in stillness. In our modern day lifestyle our posture creates imbalance in our physical and emotional body. As a result of tension in the body and daily habits a person’s posture can lead to imbalance and negatively impact physical and emotional well being. […]

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Holiday Grief of a Parent

Recently two of my friends dads unexpectedly passed away and this will be their first Christmas without them.  One woman is in her late thirties and the other is in her mid-twenties.  Both have entered into an exclusive club that nobody wants to be a part of ever in their lives.  Losing a parent is […]

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Ayurveda and Tantra Basics with Katie Silcox – August 2017

Three Vital Forces: Awakening to Prana, Tejas and Ojas in Yoga and Life What you will gain: a basic understanding of your physical body type invigorating asana that will be tailored to different energetic experiences better digestion on the mental and emotional realm a deep understanding of the “gunas” or mental/emotional types a movement towards […]

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Yoga Etiquette

Yoga Etiquette isn’t just for the new students of yoga. It’s for EVERYONE!! Here’s a list of suggestions for yoga etiquette to enhance your experience and everyone around you too. Enter Class Quietly and Arrive 5-10 Minutes Early The studio is a sacred space students are using to decompress from the day and some are […]

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Yoga: the Journey to Being Present

Several years ago I was going through a long term breakup that even though was my decision still brought about feelings of sadness, loneliness, and fear.  One day I was having a particularly difficult time and had spent the morning crying.  I decided I needed to get onto my yoga mat so I headed to […]

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12 Day Fall Cleanse with Frances Murchison, ERYT200/RYT500

Transform your approach to health For many of us, back-to-school signifies a new season, perhaps even a new year. it’s a perfect time to reboot and re-energize your body with a nourishing cleanse. Crank up your energy with a 12-day liver detox  natural foods cleanse. When the liver is overburdened, the body holds on to toxins and […]

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Yoga Resources: Meditations from the Mat Book Review

When I first started practicing yoga, I was drawn to the physicality of the practice.  As a long time dancer, I welcomed the deep stretching and the free form movement vinyasa style of classes offered.  The spirituality of yoga has a way of seeping in sometimes slowly over time and others it comes like a […]

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Yoga Lifestyle: Blankies for Smartphones

When I was a kid I had a blankie that I carried around with me everywhere. It was a small soft cream blanket with satin edges encasing the warm fuzziness of security. I loved the feel of the silky hemming between my fingers and rubbed it so much that the trim fell off around three […]

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