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Category: Posture Clinic

Posture Clinic: Halasana

Halasana – Plow Pose As with many yoga asanas, Halasana’s name comes from the shape of a traditional plow found in Indian culture. Symbolically the plow is a tool that may unearth hidden treasures. Halasana is an inversion and is often offered at the end of a yoga practice because it prepares us to wind […]

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Posture Clinic: Tadasana

Tadasana – Mountain Pose  Tadasana is the foundation of all standing postures in yoga. It is a great pose to come back to, again and again, throughout your practice (over the course of an hour or over your entire lifetime). While your feet are grounded to the earth, the crown of the head is rising […]

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Pose of the Week: Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend

Wide-Legged Seated Forward or Upavistha Konasana is a seated yoga posture that deeply stretches the inner groin and spine, while calming the mind. It is often practiced toward the end of a yoga class, when the body is warm, to prepare the body for even deeper forward folds. Begin by sitting in Dandasana (staff pose) […]

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Pose of the Week: Setu Badhasana (Bridge Pose)

Setu Badhasana (pronounced set-too bah-dahs-anna), also known commonly as Bridge Pose, has many benefits.  This pose strengthens the muscles of the shoulders, back, buttocks, thighs and legs.  Bridge Pose tones the thighs, legs, internal organs and abdominal viscera (the internal organs enclosed within the abdominal cavity).  Setu Badhasana stretches your abdominal muscles and expands the […]

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Pose of the Week: Parivrtta Anjaneyasana (High Lunge Twist)

Ah Spring, that time of year when we begin spring cleaning our homes, shedding the layers of our clothes, and getting outside for fresh air and a dose of sunshine! After a long winter of hibernation we may feel our energy shift with the warming temperatures and notice our food choices may also begin to […]

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Pose of the Week: Mandukasana (Frog Pose)

Mandukasana (pronounced man-doo-KAHS-uh-nuh), also commonly referred to as Frog Pose, gets its name from the Sanskrit word “manduka,” which means “frog.” The yogi performing this posture resembles a frog. Frog Pose is an easy and wonderful pose to open and stretch the hips, groins and inner thighs. Regular practice of Mandukasana also relieves stress, anxiety […]

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Pose of the Week: Bakasana (Crow Pose)

Bakasana (pronounced bah-KAHS-uh-nuh), also commonly referred to as Crow Pose or Crane Pose, is a beginning arm balance that serves as an excellent foundation for more advanced arm balances. Crow Pose gets its name from the Sanskrit word “baka,” which means “crane” and the pose is thought to resemble a crane wading in the water. […]

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Pose of the Week: Vasisthasana (Side Plank)

Vasisthasana (pronounced VAH-shees-THAH-suh-nuh), more commonly known as Side Plank Pose is a powerful arm balance. Vasisthasana gets its name from the Sanskrit word “vasistha,” which means “most excellent” or “best.” Side Plank Pose has many benefits such as strengthening the wrists, forearms, shoulders and spine. Vasisthasana is also a favorite because it challenges a yogi’s […]

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Pose of the Week: Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

Matsyasana (pronounced maht-see-AHS-uh-nuh), also commonly known as Fish Pose, predictably comes from the Sanskrit word “matsya” meaning fish.  Fish Pose is a heart-opening back bend that opens the throat, chest and abdomen, while stretching the hip flexors and intercostals. Matsyasana also strengthens the upper back muscles and the back of the neck, which can improve flexibility […]

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Pose of the Week: Garudasana (Eagle Pose)

Garudasana (pronounced gah-rue-DAHS-anna) is also commonly known as Eagle Pose. The word “garuda” comes from the mythological Hindu term “king of the birds” and in Sanskrit the word means, “eagle.” Garudasana is a standing balance pose that cultivates focus, strength and calmness. The breath work required while in Eagle Pose allows a student to quiet […]

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