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Conscious Cook: Delicata Squash – One Sweet, One Savory

Easiest Squash You’ll Ever Cook: Delicata Squash – One Sweet, One Savory

delicata squash in wicker basket

Short on time and short on money? Just looking to make an easy side dish for a holiday party? Look no further than the delicata squash! You can find it in pretty much any grocery store – bonus points if it’s local or homegrown! Delicata squash looks like an elongated oval version of a tiger-stripe pumpkin. It taste like a mild version of squash with a little sweet potato mixed in – it’s a very versatile vegetable. When I make it savory, it totally tastes like fries and when I’m craving sweet, this is the perfect low-sugar treat! That’s a win-win if you ask me! Try these recipes for a delicious and quick side dish, but also feel free to experiment.

Total time: about 40 minutes
Yields: serves about 4-6 people



2 delicata squash (medium size)
1-2 tbsp. olive oil
salt and pepper to taste


2 delicata squash
1-2 tbsp. coconut oil (melting)
1 tbsp. maple syrup
½ tsp. cinnamon
pinch of nutmeg

Instructions (same for both):

1. Preheat oven to 375°
2. Cut ends off delicate squash
3. Cut in half long-ways
4. Use a spoon to dig out insides of squash – you can save the seeds for roasting if you have time!
5. Cut squash into semi-circles (turn “face” town and cut on the skin side as think as you’d like)

If you’re going savory, pour olive oil on squash and season with salt and pepper to taste. If you’re going sweet, pour coconut oil and maple syrup on squash. Season with cinnamon and a touch of nutmeg.

6. Place savory and sweet on separate pans
7. Place pans in oven and set timer for 30 minutes. Flip halfway if you’d like. I personally like mine super crispy on one side.

Plate and enjoy!

  • Taylor White, RYT200

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