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Detox Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training w. Kristin Cooper, ERYT500 – April 2018

Detoxify and Take Your Fitness to a New Level

*300 Hour Service Leadership Track Required Training

This yoga detox workshop will teach you asanas (postures), pranayamas (breathing techniques), and various forms of movement that will help release built up toxins in the body, creating a cleansing effect and moving you towards clarity of the mind, and freedom in the body. Burn more than 800 calories in each practice while releasing toxins and stress, followed by deep stretching and relaxation.

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About Kristin Cooper, ERYT500

BWKristin.fwThe Founder of the Kunga Yoga 200/500hour Teacher Training School is Kristin Cooper, ERYT500. Kristin teaches advanced modules and retreats and often teaches along with a group of highly experienced Kunga Yoga faculty locally at the Wilmington Yoga Center location. Kristin’s teaching background includes teaching full time since 1999 and training hundreds of yoga teachers nationally and internationally since 2003. She has worked with children, seniors, and students living with cancer and HIV, and is a member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT). Kristin has worked privately with celebrity clients Katie Holmes, Ashley Judd and Cheryl Hines, and is founder of the Wilmington Yoga Center and Kunga Yoga. She traveled for several years at the beginning of her career as a teaching assistant and percussionist for Shiva Rea, working as a mentor for Shiva’s Prana Flow 500hr Teacher Training. Kristin is also a guest presenter for various teacher training schools in the U.S and has assisted the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health Teacher Trainings. Her training background includes several trips to India and Thailand, with ongoing study in Thai Yoga Massage in the Lek Chaiya tradition, Ayurveda, and yoga along with studies in vegan living and macrobiotics at the Kushi Institute. She has enjoyed the benefits of a vegan diet and lifestyle since 1994 and shares her love of all things plant-based with passion! Her primary vinyasa studies began with Shiva Rea in 2000 and have continued for many years, and she has completed a wide range of trainings and certifications including Kripalu yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Kundalini, YogaDance, Yoga for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Advanced Pranayama, Meditation, Ayurveda, Kids Yoga, Therapeutics, Non-Violent Communication, and studies in bodywork and nutrition. She enjoys incorporating many teaching methods and theories into her trainings and feels that all forms and philosophies inform one another and have the same goal of union, or “yoga”. Kristin has contributed to Yoga Journal and has been interviewed by the Huffington Post for her social entrepreneurship models and work with Homes of Hope Orphanage India. She is the creator of Rhythmic Flow Yoga w/live drumming and founder of Kunga Journeys: international volunteer retreats working with orphanages in developing countries. Kunga Journeys are led by Kristin and her percussionist husband, Loren Gulak. The Kunga team is grateful for the opportunity to use yoga as a platform and tool for collaboration, education, connection, and fundraising for underserved children around the world. For info on Kristin and upcoming service events, please visit:

Date & Time

Friday, April 20
5:00pm – 9:00pm

Saturday, April 21
12:00pm – 7:30pm

Sunday, April 22
9:00am – 5:00pm


$375.00 after March 20, 2018
$325.00 before March 20, 2018

MycAA Approved

If you are a military spouse, you may qualify for the MyCAA program. The MyCAA program is a career development and employment assistance program offered by the military for military personnel and their spouses. MyCAA provides a maximum educational benefit of $4,000.

MyCAA approved.

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Need a place to stay?
Check out our list of local home-stays and accommodations

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300HrYogaImg.fwCEUs & Yoga Certification Info

  • 18 CEU Hours toward 300 YA or CEUs
  • $15 Additional CEU certificate due at time of registration
  • Participation in full workshop required to receive 500YA credit.
  • This certification counts as one required module/counts as elective hours towards 300Hr registry in the Wilmington Yoga Center program

Cancellation Policy

10 days prior to the workshop cancellation is permitted for account credit only minus a $25 administrative fee. 10 days and closer to the start date of the workshop the total tuition is non-refundable and non-transferable.*

*Different 300hr Teacher Training Track policies apply, see your 300hr Workbook + Training Enrollment forms for more information*


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