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Five of the Most Important Yoga Resolutions You Can Make

Yoga Resolution #1 – When in doubt…yoga it out

Whenever I’m feeling angry, anxious or sad (insert challenging emotion here) it helps to remember that more often than not, yoga really helps in working through my emotions. I really try recognize exactly how I’m feeling when I first sit down (or lay down) on the mat. I move and breathe to process what I’m feeling which creates space between myself and the emotion that I’m currently experiencing. It always helps me to get perspective on the situation and to create peace within my mind.

Yoga Resolution #2 – Do no harm

First “rule” of the yamas as written about in the Yoga Sutras is ahimsa, or non-violence. Part of the Eight Limbs of Yoga, ahimsa asks us to create no harm or violence in our thoughts, words or deeds. This is sage advice for any human, and especially in our yoga practice. Being mindful of our thoughts will help what we communicate to others. Being mindful of what we communicate to others will help with right action towards ourselves and others. Like the Buddha says, “we are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.”

Yoga Resolution #3 – Become heavily meditated

Daily meditation has helped me in countless ways to work through what I’m feeling and thinking. I almost always come out feeling more centered, peaceful and calm. It allows you to really take time for yourself and clean out all of the mental clutter. Establishing a daily meditation practice helps to reduce stress, enhances self-awareness and encourages a healthy lifestyle. Even if it’s just 5 minutes, it still seems like a win-win to me!

Yoga Resolution #4 – Ask for help!

Is there a pose or yogic concept or theme that you’d like to work on or know more about? Ask your teacher! Give them some time to think it over or contemplate, but they might just get super excited creating a class about what you’re interested in. Or at the very least, it could spark up an interesting conversation and a chance to connect.

Yoga Resolution #5 – Go with the (yoga) flow…

Got your sights set on a particular class, teacher, or pose and it just doesn’t happen the way you planned it? Maybe you looked at the schedule wrong or maybe your favorite teacher has a sub. Try letting go of your expectation and see if you can just roll with it. Honor your feelings but what would happen if you just went with the (yoga) flow? 🙂

Taylor Lawrence, Faculty Instructor

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