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How To Prevent Injury While Practicing Yoga

Everyone who joins yoga wants to be able to do the most intricate poses on the first day. What they don’t realize is the amount of time that it takes to gain the strength needed to perform them. As yoga instructors, we do not want to see you get injured while you are in our studio so we want to give you some helpful tips on how to keep yourself safe while practicing yoga.

Slow down

It is ok to not be good at yoga. If fact, we can almost promise you won’t be good until you have done it for awhile. The people you see doing these poses in pictures have most likely been practicing yoga for years. Stop comparing yourself to those around you.

Watch your back

When you are rounding your back and keeping your legs straight, you have the chance of bulging a disk in your back. Yoga has a lot of poses that require bending your back so our recommendation is to not bend too deep, keep your back straight and have a small bend in your knees.

Protect your knees

Knee injuries will lay you out for weeks if you are not careful with your knees. There are poses, like the pigeon pose, half lotus or warrior pose, that require you to twist your knee. To prevent tears, it is recommended that you move from the hip and keep your knee bent during the movements.

Check out our next blog for more tips on how to protect yourself from future injury. But for now, be sure to check out our yoga class schedule and sign up today.

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