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"Un-Master" Class with Twee Merrigan, RYT500 – January 2016

Resting in the Perfect Spot

“Enter the bowl of vastness that is the heart, Give yourself to it with total abandon, Quiet ecstasy is there, And a steady sense of resting in the perfect spot.”
– Vijnanabhairava Tantra, 26

Enjoy a heart-opening slow flow “un-master” class with generous opportunities to pause and reflect before diving deeply into a restorative practice and mudra meditation for the New Year. In lieu of resolutions, we will explore yoga “un-challenges” that better complement our daily rhythms. All levels welcome.

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About Twee Merrigan, Prana Vinyasa Teacher + Trainer, RYT500


“My desire and purpose as a teacher and trainer of yoga is to inspire you to manifest your own reality through the power of pure and positive intentions, thoughts, words, and actions, and to be ready and willing to recognize, receive, and integrate those manifestations into your daily living. It works… especially when you find God within and let go into the magical adventure called your life!”

Twee infuses her Prana Vinyasa™ flow classes with the daily teachings of her everyday life and her current travels along The Journey is the Destination Tour. Twee’s family of 5 (her vegan chef husband, two young home-schooled girls, and their rescue dog named after Bob Marley) are living and traveling for one year in a motorhome in search of conscious communities, American people and culture, secret gem yoga teachers and studios, local epic vegan fare, thoughtful co-ops and farm markets… all while experience the country’s vast natural beauty as their own backyard. Perhaps after their one year tour, they will have found their next place to live and raise their family!

Other inspirations for Twee’s teachings include her time spent with mentor, Shiva Rea (founder of Prana Vinyasa™); her global yoga tribe of friends; a (pre-family) three-year tour living on the road traveling to teach and train teachers in a different country every ten days at yoga studios, festivals, and conferences; her “past life” as a New York City corporate sales executive for the first decade of her adult life; her Hatha, Tantra, Ayurveda, Bhakti, and Yoga mudra studies; teacher trainings in ISHTA Yoga with Alan Finger, Anusara Yoga with Lois Nesbitt, Vajra Yoga with Jill Satterfield, and Prenatal Khalsa Way with Gurmukh; her family’s conscious choices as vegans; the heart-blowing events of both daughters birthed at home; and the inherent beauty, intelligence, and truth of Nature and God/dess.

Date & Time

Friday, January 8
7:30pm – 9:30pm


10% of proceeds will be donated to Chai Life Arts and WYC’s Kunga Fund.

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300HrYogaImg.fwCEUs & Yoga Certification Info

  • 2 CEU Hours toward 300 YA or CEUs
  • $15 Additional CEU certificate due at time of registration
  • Participation in full workshop required to receive 500YA credit.
  • This certification counts as one required module/counts as elective hours towards 300Hr registry in the Wilmington Yoga Center program

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