Mindfulness + the Eightfold Path YLTT 200hr Welcome Packet

Welcome to your Yoga Lifestyle + Teacher Training!

Below you will find information to prepare you for your Mindfulness + the Eightfold Path 200hr Yoga Lifestyle + Teacher Training. This information is designed to help you get started on your journey, but don’t worry, you will receive even more detailed information once the training gets started!


Every day of the training will involve lecture, a lengthy asana practice, guided meditation and practice teaching with your fellow students. That’s right, you’ll be teaching each other from the first weekend of training! Participation is expected in order to receive your training certificate, so be ready to share, practice, and contribute to your training.


All items below are sold at Wilmington Yoga Center, and now that you are fully enrolled you are eligible for 15% off all items in our boutique when you purchase them as a bundle!


  • Feb – Tara Brach: Radical Acceptance
  • March – Brene Brown: The Gifts of Imperfection
  • April – Pema Chodron: When Things Fall Apart
  • May – Jack Kornfield: After the Ecstasy, The Laundry.
  • June – Thich Nhat Hanh: Being Peace
  • July – Bruce Tift: Already Free: Buddhism Meets Psychotherapy on the Path of Liberation
  • August – Stephen Cope: The Great Work of Your Life
  • BKS Iyengar: Light on Yoga
  • David Frawley: Yoga and Ayurveda
  • Kapit + Elson: Anatomy Coloring Book, 4th Edition


  • Aadil Palkhivala: Fire of Love. For Students of Life. For Teachers of Yoga.
  • Jon Kabat-Zinn: Wherever You Go, There You Are
  • Sharon Salzberg: Lovingkindness
  • Mark Nepo: The Book of Awakening
  • Matthieu Ricard: Why Meditate. Working With Thoughts and Emotions
  • Tara Brach: True Refuge
  • Byron Katie: Who Would You Be Without Your Story?


  • Yoga Mat
  • Journal/Notebook + Pen
  • White top (to wear on graduation day)


  • Hot Yoga rug if you tend to slip on your mat
  • Any other props you might want to use in your practice (blocks, straps, etc.)


  • Change of clothes (you will practice every day, so it’s nice to have a clean clothes to change into!)
  • All required props
  • Water (closed top water bottles only please!)
  • Snacks and food (These are not allowed in the studio, however there is a fridge so that you can have your snacks at the ready, and there’s always Tidal Creek in the shopping center if you need to pick something up. We recommend that you eat lightly during your training day so that you manage your nutritional needs, but also are alert and not weighed down by a heavy meal before a practice. Some students take this as opportunity to cleanse or try a lighter diet. Unfortunately we do not have a refrigerator for student use, so please bring a cooler if you have perishables.)
  • Manual (you will receive this on your first day!). You will use this every training day, so please bring it with you to each training day.
  • Required reading homework for that weekend (no required readings for the first weekend).
  • Any daily homework, if assigned.

You do NOT need to bring your other required texts every day, only your manual and notebook/journal.

There will be specific prop and book needs on days throughout the training. Additional details on these needs will be announced at the end of each day/weekend.


Reminder: You will receive MUCH more detailed information on each of these projects during the training. This is an overview so that you know what to expect and so you can get a jumpstart on some reading if you like!

Note: Please wait until you have completed all homework assignments before sending, via email, to Erin@Wilmingtonyogacenter.com. Please ensure that all of your homework is sent in one single email.

1. Anatomy Project: Read, color and respond to plate-specific questions (provided each weekend by your trainer) in the Anatomy Coloring Book, by Kapit and Elson.

2. Book Report Project: You will read and write book reports on your experience of the following four required books:

  • Tara Brach: Radical Acceptance
  • Brene Brown: The Gifts of Imperfection
  • Byron Katie: Loving What Is
  • Stephen Cope: The Great Work of Your Life

All 10 required readings will include in-class discussions on the books, so feel free to read them all in advance of the training. The required readings provide the foundation on the philosophy of mindfulness that we visit throughout our training, and they are referenced often, so the more familiar you are with them, the deeper your understanding will be.

3. Journaling: At least once per week, you will journal about your journey through the program – minimum 30 entries total. How has your practice changed? Are you seeing things differently? How are you bringing mindfulness and the teachings of yoga into your life each day? Once a month, your journal entry will be a more specific topic, which will be assigned in training.

If you are unable to complete your homework by the end of the training, you have until the homework deadline, 12 months from the start date of your training, to complete all homework projects. You will not receive your 200hr certificate until all homework has been completed and turned in.

Projects turned in after twelve months will be accepted with an extension fee of $250. Projects turned in after one year will only be accepted with approval from teacher Education Coordinator and may require a retesting fee. These projects will be reviewed with you in detail during your training. Please save your certification questions for our time together in the training.

Your most important homework is getting on your mat and practicing/reviewing what you learn, and being very familiar with every chapter in your entire manual, as well as the required readings. We encourage you to read the manual fully during your first week if you can so that you may use your time in class for questions that are non-repetitive, or for topics that you would like to learn more about. We also highly encourage you to take time from work and other obligations as much as possible to allow yourself quiet time at night to rejuvenate before the next day of training. Our training days are expansive, long and full, so we highly recommend that your down time is for resting and quiet activities. Abhyanga (ayurvedic self massage) is highly recommended at night due to the physical nature of your program.


No problem! We understand that even the most committed student still has a life outside of teacher training. Regardless of the reason for your absence, even in the case of medical emergency, in order to graduate you will need to complete all contact hours in the training, per Yoga Alliance requirements. If you miss any hours you can make them up by doing private sessions covering similar material with our faculty, or the Education Coordinator may allow you to make up the hours by attending one of our workshops that covers similar material. All make up hours, regardless of the reason for the absence, require an additional cost, but we make every attempt to find the most economical way for you to make up your hours.


Please bring well-sealed food, and leave all food in your cubbies in the WYC lobby.
Cell phones must be off while you are in the center. All phone calls should be taken on the landing or outside Wilmington Yoga Center. Do not bring your phone into the training space.
Be kind to the rest of your group and arrive 15 minutes early so that we can start on time!

How to Connect:

Stay updated on training information + stay connected with your fellow trainees.

”Like” our Wilmington Yoga Center Facebook page.


Studio Manager
Erin Powley

Jessica Bichler, ERYT500
Heather Metzler, ERYT500

Adjunct Faculty
Frances Murchison, ERYT200/RYT500

Noelle Whittington, ERYT500
Jamie Annette, ERYT500

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