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Pranayama: Beginning and Enhancing Your Practice with William Hufschmidt, ERYT500- May 2016

“Asana without Breath is like a River without Water.”
Saul David Raye

Join William for a weekend of practice and conversation to explore the techniques, philosophy and results of Pranayama. More than just breathing exercises, Pranayama brings Asana and Meditation to life by enlivening our practice’s potential and amplifying our body’s possibilities. During our time together, we will talk about the neurophysiology of breathing while reviewing the categories of Pranayama practice, as described in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.

Each day will begin with a deep yoga practice that incorporates Pranayama to enhance our experience of sensation and energy, leading to an organic and spontaneous experience of meditation. The days will continue with discussion and activities to help both our minds and our bodies gain understanding and skill to integrate the techniques and their effects. Beginners and experienced practitioners are both welcome, and no prior experience or body shape/ability necessary – just a curiosity to discover more of what your yoga practice can offer you.

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About Pranakryia Director William Hufschmidt, ERYT500

William_Hufschmidt_BioWilliam Hufschmidt‘s journey with healing began at age 14 as he recovered from a car accident. Meditation and breath awareness were his primary methods of pain management. Progressing through traction, wheel chairs, casts, and crutches, it took William two years to regain control of his body. This early experience fortified his belief that we can heal from anything if we consciously navigate our healing process. In 1989, William took his first yoga class with Lorna Brown, and subsequently taught classes under her guidance. In 2001, William completed the 200-hour-level Yoga Teacher training at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, and in 2007, completed Kripalu’s 500-hour training. William has also earned the Pranakriya 500-hour Yoga Teacher certification. William began Thai training in 2002 with Patricia Kilpatrick and Saul David Raye, and in 2006 trained in Thailand with Wat Po and with Chiang Mai’s “Mama Lek” Chaiya. He has been strongly influenced by Yoganand, Saul David Raye, and life itself. As a teacher, William empowers students to explore their edges and potentials. “We all do not walk the same path towards self-discovery. However, we are all storehouses of infinite wisdom and creativity, and through the practices of yoga, breathwork, sacred touch and play, we can tap into inner reservoirs of energy and possibility.” To find out more about William, visit

Date & TimePKY-AYS_4C

Friday, May 20
6:00pm – 9:00pm

Saturday, May 21
9:00am – 12:30pm
2:00pm – 5:00pm

Sunday, May 22
9:00am – 12:30pm
2:00pm – 5:00pm


$375.00 after March 20
$350.00 before May 6

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***$15 Materials Fee Due to William on May 20th***

Drop-in Sessions Available

Friday 6-9:30pm
Cost $30

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Saturday 8:30am-6:30pm
Cost $175

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Friday + Saturday
Friday – 6-9:30pm
Saturday – 8:30-6:30pm
Cost $200

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Friday + Sunday (attendance on Friday is necessary for the Sunday Session)
Friday – 6-9:30pm
Sunday – 8:30-6:30pm
Cost $200

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MycAA Approved

If you are a military spouse, you may qualify for the MyCAA program. The MyCAA program is a career development and employment assistance program offered by the military for military personnel and their spouses. MyCAA provides a maximum educational benefit of $4,000.

MyCAA approved.

Need a place to stay?
Check out our list of local home-stays and accommodations

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300HrYogaImg.fwCEUs & Yoga Certification Info

  • 17 CEUs
  • $15 Additional CEU certificate due at time of registration
  • Participation in full workshop required to receive 500YA credit.
  • This certification counts as one required module/counts as elective hours towards 300Hr registry in the Wilmington Yoga Center program

Cancellation Policy

10 days prior to the workshop cancellation is permitted for account credit only minus a $25 administrative fee. 10 days and closer to the start date of the workshop the total tuition is non-refundable and non-transferable.


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