Newcomers Unlimited Special — 30 Days of Yoga for $30 (In Person & Streaming)
Below you will find information to prepare you for your Prism of the Mind, Body, Spirit 200hr Yoga Lifestyle + Teacher Training. This information is designed to help you get started on your journey, but don’t worry, you will receive even more detailed information once the training gets started!
Every day of the training will involve lecture, an asana practice, guided meditation and practice teaching with your fellow students. That’s right, you’ll be teaching each other from the first weekend of training! Participation is expected in order to receive your training certificate, so be ready to share, practice, and contribute to your training.
In-Person Weekend Dates 2025
September 5-7, 2025
October 17-19, 2025
November 7-9, 2025
December 12-14, 2025
In-Person Weekend Schedule
*30 Minute Lunch on Saturday and Sunday
ONLINE Meeting Dates:
Saturday Sept 20 9:00am-3:00pm (30 Min Lunch)
Sunday Sept 21 9:00am-1:00pm
Saturday Oct 4 9:00am-3:00pm (30 Min Lunch)
Sunday Oct 5 9:00am-1:00pm
Saturday November 1 9:00am-3:00pm (30 Min Lunch)
Sunday November 2 9:00am-1:00pm
Saturday November 22 9:00am-3:00pm (30 Min Lunch)
Sunday November 23 9:00am-1:00pm
All items below are sold at Wilmington Yoga Center, and now that you are fully enrolled you are eligible for 15% off all items in our boutique when you purchase them as a bundle!
You do NOT need to bring your other required texts every day, only your manual and notebook/journal.
There will be specific prop and book needs on days throughout the training. Additional details on these needs will be announced at the end of each day/weekend.
Throughout the course of this training, there are ‘assignments’ for you to complete in order to demonstrate an understanding of the material. There is ample time allotted throughout the in-person contact hours to complete these assignments. My intention is for you to dedicate as little of your personal time as possible.
Not all of the books on the reading list will be required. Of course, you’re more than welcome to read as much as you like; but in the interest of honoring your time, I’ve selected the pieces of writing I consider to be most valuable and aligned with the intention of this training.
Practice Teaches
You will ‘practice teach’ 3 classes throughout this training. These classes are an hour long each, and will be taught to a partner.
Vision Board
During Weekend 6, you will create a mission statement and vision board that represents your intention as you transition from student/trainee to teacher. If you’re unsure what your intention is, don’t worry! I’ve selected a weekend much later in training so that it may become clearer to you as you integrate the material and have the opportunity to step into the role of a teacher. There will be a presentation of your mission statement and vision board to the group. If this is anxiety-inducing, don’t worry! By then, you will have already completed your practice teaches and other opportunities to lead portions of a Yoga class to your fellow trainees. Not to mention, you will feel much more at ease in the presence of each other as your Kula (or tribe) will have had the chance to facilitate a wonderful support system for you. For this assignment, I am requesting donations of magazines, art supplies, glue sticks, etc. that we may use to create our vision boards. I graciously ask that if you are willing to gather any materials, or potentially contribute to a fund that may be used to purchase items for this project would be greatly appreciated!
Group Presentation
There will be an opportunity for collaboration for this assignment. The Kula will be split into 2 groups. One group will lead a discussion of The Body Heals Itself while the other group will lead a discussion of The Mind-Body Cure. Each group will create a presentation summarizing key points from each book and facilitate a group discussion.
This presentation has lots of room for creativity. This does not have to be a ‘presentation’ reminiscent of our school-age years. Through your collaboration, you may decide that your presentation involves a meditation or asana practice. It could involve journal prompts in order to facilitate discussion. Allow each of your strengths to come together for this collaborative project.
Healing Through Words
Intermittently throughout the training, we will work with the book Healing Through Words by Rupi Kaur. You’ll be assigned a prompt and allotted a certain amount of time for contemplation and writing; followed by an open discussion.
Required Reading Timeline
We will work through Eastern Body Western Mind together gradually through the training. Prior to Weekend 1, the Introduction and Chapter 1 must be read. Chapter 2 must be read by Weekend 2, and so on. The Wednesday evening prior to each Weekend will be a discussion on the assigned chapter. You Are the Placebo must be read by Weekend 5. Your group presentation book will be assigned Weekend 5 and must be read by Weekend 6. The presentation will be Weekend 7. Whichever book you were not assigned must still be read and written reflection submitted in order to receive your certification. This reading and reflection must be completed within 1 year from the first day of training.
No problem! We understand that even the most committed student still has a life outside of teacher training. Regardless of the reason for your absence, even in the case of medical emergency, in order to graduate you will need to complete all contact hours in the training, per Yoga Alliance requirements. If you miss any hours you can make them up by doing private sessions covering similar material with our faculty, or the Education Coordinator may allow you to make up the hours by attending one of our workshops that covers similar material. All make up hours, regardless of the reason for the absence, require an additional cost, but we make every attempt to find the most economical way for you to make up your hours.
Please bring well-sealed food, and leave all food in your cubbies in the WYC lobby. No fridge access to trainees.
Cell phones must be off while you are in the center. All phone calls should be taken on the landing or outside Wilmington Yoga Center. Do not bring your phone into the training space.
Be kind to the rest of your group and arrive 15 minutes early so that we can start on time!
Stay updated on training information + stay connected with your fellow trainees.
”Like” our Wilmington Yoga Center Facebook page.
Studio Manager
Erin Powley
200hr Coordinator
Kayla Wightman
Studio Owners
Jessica Bichler, ERYT500
Heather Metzler, ERYT500
We have an array of classes, workshops, and teacher training options — led by the most celebrated and loved yoga teachers in Wilmington, NC.
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