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Reiki 2 Certification with Andrea Sewitsky, RYT500/ERYT200 + Reiki Master

Second Degree Certification

It is here that you will deepen your knowledge and healing power of Reiki. We will briefly review the history and experiences of Reiki 1, introduce symbols into the Reiki practice and understand their meaning and importance to spirituality. We will broaden your knowledge of Intention and Meditation with symbols and incorporating them in energy healing of others. We will also introduce distant healing practices. Reiki 2 Degree broadens the power and intensity of energy healing and balance to the chakras. One will learn and grow in these natural techniques of helping others using the energy, symbols and practices of Reiki promoting wellness and mental stability.

Benefits of Reiki 2:

  • Reiki practice is deepened
  • Reiki healing power is increased
  • encourages emotional freedom
  • increase in your frequency of intuition
  • distance energy healing
  • reduction in negativity and stress

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About Andrea Sewitsky, RYT500/ERYT200 + Reiki Master

Andrea Sewitsky found her way to Yoga in 2008. She is a mother of three children and has always been a very active athlete. After overcoming Breast Cancer, she found herself drawn to a hot vinyasa class where she discovered that focusing on her breath calmed her body and slowed her racing thoughts. It was then that her path of yoga began. Andrea teaches Kunga Yoga, which is an open style of mind and body yoga with focused teachings on service. She incorporates these teachings in her Gentle, Relax and Restore and Vinyasa Classes. She also enjoys offering meditation and stress reduction tools in all of her classes. When teaching Children’s Yoga, Andrea likes to pull from her former days as a second grade teacher and incorporate lessons into her classes. These lessons may include themes such as: Healthy Eating, Respecting Others, Offering Kindness, or Good Manners. Along with teaching postures that help balance the nervous system, increase focus and concentration and build muscular strength, she also offers opportunities for children to build on their oral language skills and self- esteem. Andrea has a BS in Elementary Education with a concentration in Psychology from Salisbury University. She holds a certificate in TRX and is certified in Kunga Yoga. She completed a 220-hour certification at Wilmington Yoga Center. Her training at Wilmington Yoga Center included several areas entailing the teachings of gentle, relax and restore, yin, prenatal, vinyasa and children’s yoga. In April, 2013, Andrea completed an additional 60-hr, Level 2-3 Vinyasa certification with Jimmy Barkan. Last but not least, she earned additional certification hours by attending several workshops including Thai Yoga Massage and Fire & Earth flow practices. Andrea is an E-RYT, an Experienced-Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, who has taught over 1000 hours and has also earned her First, Second and Master Reiki Teacher Certification in the Usui System of Natural Healing. Andrea is also a Lead Teacher in kRtajJatA 200hr and 300 hr. Registered Yoga Alliance School, where she enjoys training future teachers who are passionate about the practice of yoga. Andrea offers gratitude for her primary teachers including Kristin Cooper-Gulak, Larry Hobbs, Katie Serino and Noelle Whittington. She has found her passion and considers it an honor to teach and practice yoga daily.

Date + Time

Sunday, September 24
9:00am – 6:00pm


$175.00 after September 10
$150.00 before September 10

MycAA Approved

If you are a military spouse, you may qualify for the MyCAA program. The MyCAA program is a career development and employment assistance program offered by the military for military personnel and their spouses. MyCAA provides a maximum educational benefit of $4,000.

MyCAA approved.

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300HrYogaImg.fwCEUs & Yoga Certification Info

  • 9 of CEU Hours toward CEUs
  • $15 Additional CEU certificate due at time of registration
  • Participation in full workshop required to receive 500YA credit.
  • This certification counts as one required module/counts as elective hours towards 300Hr registry in the Wilmington Yoga Center program

Cancellation Policy

10 days prior to the workshop cancellation is permitted for account credit only minus a $25 administrative fee. 10 days and closer to the start date of the workshop the total tuition is non-refundable and non-transferable.


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