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Student Spotlight: Jud Crowe

Meet Jud Crowe. Jud is a long-time Wilmington Yoga Center student and we are honored to feature this talented artist and musician as the Student Spotlight for the month of July.

JJ: Where are you from Jud?
Jud: Denver, NC

JJ: What is your job? (if retired what did you do in the past?)
Jud: I am a full time artist. I worked as nuclear power plant inspector before that. I left the power company and went to college majoring in fine art. I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in 2000.

JJ: Tell us a little bit about your life outside Wilmington Yoga Center.
Jud: I have the freedom to spend my days making art. I’m also an amateyr musician and I build folk instruments out of cigar boxes and other non-traditional items.

JJ: Tell us about your yoga journey.
Jud: While going to school in St. Louis I became interested in yoga and began taking a once weekly class at the YMCA. There wasn’t much emphasis on the spiritual aspect, only exercise.

JJ: Why Wilmington Yoga Center?
Jud: I kept seeing the “Free Yoga” banner everytime I passed by on Oleander Dr. I did the 30 day offer and kept coming back ever since. I felt welcomed by the teachers and staff and found their enthusiasm contageous.

JJ: What is your favorite and least favorite pose?
Jud: Frog, for now. Backbends and balances are a challenge.

JJ: What is your favorite class at Wilmington Yoga Center?
Jud: Currently, Yin Deep Stretch is my favorite.

JJ: What or who inspires you?
Jud: Art, music, travel.

JJ: What is possible in your life as a result of yoga?
Jud: I’m better equipped to handle lifes changes both mental and physical.

JJ: How does yoga play a part in your daily life?
Jud: Yoga is part of my daily routine and is part of my spiritual practice.

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