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WYC is headed to Kerala, India! Join us!

The Wilmington Yoga Center will be taking its next Kunga Journeys service retreat December 29, 2014 through January 7, 2015, in Kerala, India and the trip will benefit the Homes of Hope Orphanage.

Kunga” is a Kenyerwandan word meaning “to serve or help”. The mission of all Kunga Yoga programs is to offer the teachings of yoga as a path of service to the planet, its people and all beings. The heart of all Kunga Yoga programs is to encourage, inspire and support healthy living, community building, volunteer involvement and positive activism. Our Kunga Yoga programs raise awareness and funds year-round for orphanages in developing countries and provide training for yoga teachers wishing to work with under-served populations. Today, one of the ways in which we pursue our mission is through the Kunga Journeys service retreats.

Kunga Journeys service retreats are unique yoga retreats that combine volunteering, fundraising, cultural immersion and adventure. Founded in 2007, Kunga Journeys are offered annually and focus on volunteering and fundraising for various orphanages in developing countries. All Kunga Journeys retreats are service-based programs, dedicated to educating the public about approaching yoga as a path of service.

“I’m happy to proclaim with zero hesitation that Kunga Journeys to the Homes of Hope Orphanage India are by far one of the most life-affirming, life-changing, and life-inspiring volunteer experiences that you could ever dream of. Walking into the gates and having the girls come running to hug you feels like being in a field of love-bombs exploding all around you. It’s the most rewarding experience I’ve had in my life and the appreciation and joy that the girls give back to us is truly mind-blowing. I wish that everyone could have the experience of meeting these amazing orphans that are actually princesses!” –Kristin Cooper, founder and director of The Wilmington Yoga Center and Kunga Journeys Global Service Retreats

The Homes of Hope charity seeks to rescue, shelter and educate orphaned and at-risk girls, provide education for the poorest of the poor and to empower women and improve the lives of poor families. Since its founding in 2006, with the generous help of concerned people, foundations, corporations and various charitable groups around the world, Homes of Hope has rescued and provided a safe home for over 400 orphaned and neglected girls and supported education for over 20,000 poor children.

“Wilmington Yoga Center and Homes of Hope – what a rich and wonderful relationship we have.  As we work to rescue, protect, nurture and educate abandoned and orphaned Indian girls, Wilmington Yoga Center helps to spread our message and cultivate our global family.  Then, each year, the Kunga Yoga Service Retreat to our orphanage in Kochi, India offers a continuing holiday delight for our girls who have no where to go for the holiday.  You care so deeply about the girls.  It comes through in everything you do with them.  You have seen them grow up and you nurture an ongoing friendship.  You cannot imagine how much that means to girls who feel like castoffs.  When WYC arrives each year, they know they are loved.” –Paul Wilkes, Homes of Hope Director

This year our very own Jess Bichler, RYT500 and Assistant Director of the Kunga Yoga School, will be leading the Kunga Journeys service retreat!

Super Early Bird Rates are available to those who sign up before July 30, 2014, a savings of $200. Additionally, drop by the Wilmington Yoga Center now through the end of July to enter our raffle to win ½ off the cost of the trip to India!

Information sessions will be held on the second Wednesday of each month, beginning July 9, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. Those in attendance on July 9, 2014, who also sign up the same day, will be given an additional $100 savings for a total potential savings of $300! Twenty percent of all proceeds will be donated to the Home of Hope Orphanage!

We would love for you to join us in our endeavor!

Contact Information:

For more information or to schedule and interview, please contact Jenny Yarborough at (910) 350-0234 or visit us at:







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