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Yoga Gets Us Thinking…

Many people embrace yoga as a fitness tool to get into shape, but those of us “in the know” realize that it serves a much greater purpose than simply helping a person look good in a swimsuit. Practicing yoga can reshape how a person sees oneself and how they see the world around them.

Yoga redefines what matters in life because it leads students to ask and answer internal questions. People begin to question why they are here and what their purpose is in life. Through yoga, one can find answers and cultivate important virtues within.

Silence is an important part of yoga. One must learn that meditation and contemplation open doors to gain control of the senses and lift one’s consciousness to a higher plane. Yoga allows one to block out the noise that clutters the mind. Yogis learn to let their sub-conscious mind take over. Yoga relaxes and rejuvenates the body, releases built-up tension and stress and can make one feel new again.

Yoga teaches unity. It begins with unifying the mind, body and breath and directing everything to inward reflection. When unity is achieved, it can be seen everywhere else. Yogis learn that when one with nature and the universe peace is created. One begins to understand their role in the universe and embrace it. Gratitude for the things in life that really matter is cultivated and yogis are less likely to lament over the things that are perceived to be missing. Deep thoughts are cherished instead of being judged or dismissed.

A person who embraces yoga craves a simpler life. Simplicity is embraced as an ideal to seek out and to live by. The need to get the biggest house or drive the fastest car disappears.

Practicing yoga infuses the soul with love. A person who embraces the true spirit of yoga understands there is not room for negative feelings in their heart. They willingly push out anger, jealousy, sadness, frustration and other harmful emotions so that every ounce of their heart can become filled with love.

Yoga pushes one’s body and tests the limits. Long periods of meditation require physical strength and stamina. Such endurance is a result of the physical positions practiced in yoga. The same positions purify the body and add strength to muscles and bones alike.

Yoga embraces the philosophy of living in the moment. When a person’s focus turns inward, they slow down and realize that true happiness is found right now – not down the road. A person who embraces the yoga philosophy does not mourn the past or worry about the future. They choose to celebrate the present.

Modern society is goal driven. People often feel the need to hit specific milestones to be successful- getting a college degree, earning a high-paying job, living in a mansion or driving a fancy car. Too often anything short of these unrealistic standards can be deemed a failure. Yoga teaches to let go of attachments. Material outcomes are not relevant or important.

The change that yoga can bring is revolutionary. Yoga cultivates the true path for finding a sense of purpose, inner peace and true happiness- the things that truly matter. Yoga frees the mind from the shackles of the modern world. It isn’t just about building a flexible body anymore- it is about mastering physical and mental elements alike to free liberate the mind.

When a person can achieve these goals through yoga, spiritual growth follows.

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