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Benefits of a Registered Yoga School | Wilmington Yoga Center

About Wilmington Yoga

Established in 2000, Wilmington Yoga has offered classes, workshops, teacher trainings and retreats for its community of students. It honors and teaches a wide array of styles based upon students’ individual needs whether it’s weight loss, reducing back pain, decreasing anxiety, or simply being a part of a fun growing community. Classes are for students of all ages and all levels

Teacher Training


So, you’ve decided to participate in a 200hr yoga certification program, and are now faced with the decision of deciding which school and program to enroll in.  There’s thousands available, some close by and others in exotic locations.  Now you’re faced with the difficult task of figuring out which best suits you and your needs.  One way to narrow down your list is to choose to only enroll in a school and program that is registered by Yoga Alliance.   Yoga Alliance is an organization that promotes and supports the integrity and diversity of the teaching of yoga.  A school that is registered via Yoga Alliance has met certain requirements regarding their curriculum and their instructors.

Benefits of Choosing a Registered Yoga School

  • As a student, can be sure that your program is meeting these stringent requirements. You will be able to participate in a training that has met or exceeded Yoga Alliance requirements and you will be receiving the greatest information from the highest certified teachers available.
  • You can register yourself with Yoga Alliance as a Registered Yoga Teacher at the 200hr level. Having this designation for yourself, allows you to be able to market yourself more when you are looking for teaching jobs and clients. Being an RYT gives you that extra piece of confidence that many studios will be looking for in new teachers. In addition, having that designation allows you to be able to teach across state lines; so if you were to move, any studio across the US and internationally will recognize your designation and certification.

All Wilmington Yoga Center programs meet or exceed the standards set forth by Yoga Alliance. We are proudly a Registered Yoga School at both the 200-hour and 300-hour level, and all of our teachers are registered with Yoga Alliance as well. For more information about our offerings please visit this page or contact our programs team.

Sarah Gilbert, RYT 200
Assistant Studio Manager

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