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MyCAA Paid Yoga Teacher Training is the Key to Your New Career

About Wilmington Yoga

Established in 2000, Wilmington Yoga has offered classes, workshops, teacher trainings and retreats for its community of students. It honors and teaches a wide array of styles based upon students’ individual needs whether it’s weight loss, reducing back pain, decreasing anxiety, or simply being a part of a fun growing community.  Classes are for students of all ages and all levels.

MyCAA Paid Yoga Teacher Training

Are you a military spouse looking for a career change with a passion for yoga? Look no further than Wilmington Yoga Center! All of our 200hr and 300hr trainings and workshops are myCAA approved–meaning you can enroll and have the program of your choice paid for by the military!Chatting with their yoga group

MyCAA (Military Spouse Career Advancement Account) is a workforce development program that provides up to $4,000 of tuition assistance to eligible military spouses. The scholarships are available for certificates and degrees in high growth + easily portable occupations, of which yoga teaching falls into place. Choosing to take yoga as a career path is great for spouses of active military that may be moving around the country or even overseas–you can teach yoga anywhere! For more on why you should consider yoga as your next career path read our previous blog for four great reasons.

If you are ready to learn more about how to take advantage of this unique scholarship opportunity to enroll in any of our programs, reach out to our Programs Team to get all the information you’ll need to take with you to your MyCAA advisor and get enrolled in an upcoming training!

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